Side Effects In Drinking Too Much Coffee | Health And Nutrition

Side Effects In Drinking Too Much Coffee
Side Effects In Drinking Too Much Coffee

Side Effects In Drinking Too Much Coffee

Are you a Coffee lover? Is your day never starts without a cup of? Are you ready for Coffee anytime during the day? However, you should be aware of the side effects of drinking too much Coffee. Yes, it is true, let’s look at the coffee side effects.

Iron Comprehension And Kidney Problems
Drinking too much Coffee reduces the kidney and the body’s ability to absorb various micro-minerals. In particular, the kidneys may have problems in absorbing iron, magnesium and other minerals. This can lead to constipation, as well as other stomach problems.

Dehydration and Bad Odor
Coffee tends to dehydrate the body. Also contributes to oral odor. Dehydration causes dead mucosal cells to be expelled from the body as well as remains in the body. This can lead to bad odor. Drinking too much Coffee is so bad.

Food Extraction Problems
Naturally, a cup of Coffee in the morning makes bowel movements easy, but drinking too much can lead to reduced metabolism and the possibility of spoiling metabolism. Excessive coffee can cause the small intestine to swell quickly. The body absorbs the nutrients in the food. This can cause major problems in the long run.

Increase waist Size
Drinking too much of Whole Milk Coffee will increase your body’s calorie load. Refined sugar is also high in Coffee. It is also the MP calories. It causes fat buildup in various parts of the body as well as in the waist.

Coffee Is Amazing...But Harmful
Coffee is amazing, but is also dangerous. Reasonable coffee drinking benefits your health. However, always keep in mind that Drinking too much Coffee is absolutely harmful. Coffee can cause acid reflux and heartburn because of  the way it calm down the lower oesophageal sphincter.

If you are hale and hearty, taking less than 6 cups of Coffee for each day is acceptable. But if you have high cholesterol or hypertension or a pregnant, please do not consume Coffee more than one cup every day.

Thus enjoy the Coffee...But in a limited way.....
